You were a bit lazy and decided to cut corners and short-cut the task your boss in the office had assigned you. You heard that your boss found out. Detail a communication strategy to get yourself out of this ‘mess’.
First of all, the subordinate have to understand the social interaction with the head of the company is called superior-subordinate communication. The meaning of superior-subordinate communication refers to the interactions between organizational leaders and their subordinates and how they work together to achieve personal and organizational goals. (Jablin , 1979) From this case, upward communication is applied when subordinate is trying to approach his superior with the mess he made.
Upward communication is the process of transmitting information from the bottom levels of an organization to the top levels. It includes judgments, estimations, propositions, complaints, grievance, appeals, reports, etc. from subordinates to superiors. Management comes to know how well its policies, plans, strategies and objectives are adopted by those working at lower levels of the organization. Upward information flow can be very beneficial for an organization, especially when it is encouraged by the management. When a manager is open to upward communication, they help foster cooperation, gain support, and reduce frustration. (Upward Communication, 2011)
The channel of communication is a very significant variable in the upward communication process. Channel refers to the means of which messages are transported. It can be face-to-face, over the telephone, written, etc. Communication channel affects subordinate 's overall satisfaction with upward communication. Certain channels are easily ignored, which can leave subordinates less satisfied with upward communication. A subordinate who is satisfied with his/her upward communication will be less apprehensive about communicating upward than a subordinate who is
References: 1) Jablin, J. 1979. Superior-subordinate communication. Viewed on 12 March 2013. Available from: . 2) Upper Communication, 2011. ‘Upward Communication- What Purpose Does it Serve’. Viewed on 12 March 2013. Available from: . 3) Housel. Thomas. Davis. Warren. 1977. ‘The Reduction of Upward Communication Distortion’. Journal of Business Communication. 4) Hogan, K. Stubbs, R. 2003. ‘Can’t Get Through 8 Barriers to Communication Grenta, LA: Pelican Publishing Company.’ 5) Knapp and Hall, 2007. ‘Posture’. Non-verbal Communication. p9 6) FFast, J.1970. ‘Body Language- The Essential Secrets of Non-verbal Communication. New York, NY: MJF Book. 7) Ekman, P. 2003. Emotions revealed: Recognizing faces and feelings to improve communication and emotional life. New York: Times Books.