In Dave Egger text “Serve or Fail”, argues that college students should be required to volunteer in community service. Egger explains that college is too short to sit back and waste their time with no commitments to any activities in the community. In his college days, Egger became a professional at various sports, but later in life; he wonders about the impact he could have done for his community instead wasting time playing sports. He also argues that volunteer hours can be counted as credits not just for the requirement. He supports his argument by showing the statistics of how many hours that students could do in exchange for one class credit. Students can spend times outside of class and they might learn more in…
However, the only individuals who have the authority and ability to carry out the proposed solution are those who have been elected into political office. As Honors students, direct action with the proposal is out of reach. However, political involvement and advocacy are the two components that give us an opportunity to indirectly influence the direct influencers through activism and voting. Volunteering has temporary benefits, such as volunteering at a Hispanic health clinic or non profit hospital such as Trinity Health, however, “We have to recognize what volunteers can do, and what we need other institutions to do” (Bell). In this case, institutions do what their policies instruct them to do, and those policies are formed by powerful figures, who are influenced by politicians, who ultimately, are influenced by the active political participation of the people. Therefore, it is our job as students and as citizens to advocate for the cause and to participate in political activism, so that our voices are heard by those who have direct influence on the solution at…
Dave Eggers is an author, editor, and publisher who suggests that college students should be required to attend public service. In Eggers’ excerpt “Serve or Fail” he backs up his proposal with his own experiences such as how he had benefited from the public services he had attended. Within the excerpt Eggers also explains how having college students attend public services is a great idea especially since the students have maturity, have time, and gain exposure. Although I agree with Eggers that students have maturity for public services, he fails to recognize that not every student has time.…
Cited: Clerkin, R.M. & Paynter, S.R., & Taylor, J.K. (2008). Public Service Motivation in Undergraduate Giving and Volunteering Decisions. The American Review of Public Administration, 39(6), 675-698. Retrieved from…
Community service is vital to the life and survival of all communities. It is the role of all citizens to stand up and to be active members of their communities whether it be through activities, such as volunteering at retirement homes, schools, or local churches. Through my continued efforts to serve my community in college, I hope that I am able to benefit my community. Whether it be those who utilize the public library or little kids in grade school that need assistance with their homework, I will surely be able to serve…
At the start of high school, I learned that all students at my school were expected to perform sixty hours of community service before graduating. I hoped that my time would be well used, and that I could create a noticeable difference in someone else's life.…
What We Don’t Talk About When We Don’t Talk About Service∗ Adam Davis There is this odd thing happening: a vogue for service. Look around and you can’t help but see it: more community service, more service learning, more compulsory volunteering. Elementary schools, high schools, and colleges across the country have adopted community service programs quickly, seamlessly, and with relatively little opposition or argument. Students are no longer simply concerned with their classes or even with their clubs—now they are collecting clothes, ladling out meals, wrapping gifts, building houses, tutoring younger kids, chatting with elders, and serving the community in numerous other ways as well. And the trend goes far beyond students: young people in record numbers are applying to City Year, Teach for America, and other AmeriCorps organizations; retirees are volunteering with various service organizations; and professionals, too, at and away from work, are engaging in community service. This trend toward service, unlike many trends, is generally praised, though often in imprecise terms. Service Is Good (SIG), we seem to assume—good for those of us doing the serving, good for those of us being served, good for everyone. It has become so clear that Service Is Good (SIG) that we can demand service activity— even “voluntary” service activity—as we require classes in math, science, and the humanities. We can demand it after school or work and on weekends. We can demand it from our brightest young people, our busiest professionals, and our most experienced elders. It seems to be so clear that Service Is Good (SIG) that we do not need to question service or to talk about it; we only need to do it. It even seems that talking about service might be a problem—first, because if you’re talking about service, you might not be doing service, and second, because if you’re talking about service, you might start to wonder about its goodness. But neither possibility, I believe, is something…
To begin, requiring 75 hours of community service could be a disservice to students because it could hold many back from graduating. A lot of students have a very busy schedule and might not be able to do the required amount of time of community service. It may be mandatory to go somewhere or to do something such as, work, sports, and family occasions. They wouldn't be able to attend the voluntary work. Community service can lower students grades because of a lack of time to do homework and a lack in study habits. This can hurt a students' grades and record. In addition, physically and mentally disabled high school students might not be able to participate in community service and they may have to stay back.…
In the United States, civil engagement has been a crucial component of society, whether it is through political activism or lending a helping hand to fellow neighbors. In recent years, youth participation in volunteerism has fluctuated drastically, resulting in a rising amount of high schools requiring students to complete a certain amount of service hours upon graduation. Despite the push for community service, Maryland remains the only state that has officially adopted service learning as a requirement for graduation. With several other states closely behind Maryland, Kentuckians are not experiencing any major amendments to high school graduation requirements.…
In order for one to understand how to function as a member of society, it is essential to understand how to function as an individual. The public schooling system in America teaches the importance of conformity as a way of life, a lesson that discourages independence and encourages reliance on others. Public schools should support individuality in terms of class selection in order to prepare students for what lies beyond high school.…
There should be more alot of thing that a student could do. My thought for this is that theres more than one place that need our help for non-profit. Communtity service should absolutely be necassary for the one who needs it like in high school. When you have to many tardies , absense , and for those who have bad grades . In order to clean this up you had to sign up for a voliunteer service or donate close or food for the one who needs. Helping others is so beautiful , it looks good in your record.…
Community spirit is something all schools try to enforce but some kids are just not into pep rallies or school football games. If uniforms become mandatory at public school then everyone can feel like they belong to the school. It’s just like if you play on a sports team like soccer or baseball. They give you a uniform so the team will look like a team and the kids will belong to the sport. If you make the uniform something all kids have to do they will feel unified and this will prevent clothing cliques. Some say that uniforms are a waste of money, still doesn't prevent other types of cliques and can make some students look bad, but most clothes that kids by nowadays are more expensive. Cliques can never be totally eliminated because they are groups that kids fit in to. Uniforms make everyone feel like they belong somewhere and it feels good to feel that way.…
community. Also, when the student gets a pay check he or she has to know that they need to…
Years later, I found out I may not even have either of them. But, honestly, unlike some, campus politics for me wasn’t just another venue for additional extracurricular points. I have that undying urge to reach out. I wanted to help. My campaign speeches that enclosed words promising service through the cleanliness campaign, library expansion, peer counseling program and enrichment of student-administration relationship, mirrored my pure and determined spirit to serve without dirty personal motives. I and my voters were too idealistic then, that we never realized how real politics differ greatly to ours. Sometimes, when I look back, I couldn’t help but grin.…
A public service is a service which is provided by government to people living within its jurisdiction, either directly (through the public sector) or by financing private provision of services. The term is associated with a social consensus (usually expressed through democratic elections) that certain services should be available to all, regardless of income. Even where public services are neither publicly provided nor publicly financed, for social and political reasons they are usually subject to regulation going beyond that applying to most economic sectors. Public services tend to be those considered to be so essential to modern life that for moral reasons their universal provision should be guaranteed. They may be associated with fundamental human rights (such as the right to water).…