There are many debates concerning advantages and disadvantages of mandating community service, however, the practice of compelling adolescents to take part in community service is increasingly common. People seek to understand the relationships between mandatory community service and volunteering. A key distinction between mandated community service and volunteering is the freely-chosen nature of the latter activity compared to the compulsory nature of the former (Arai et al.).
Even though college students may not comprehend the value of community service now, this is a great opportunity for them to achieve something in the future. What harm can several hours of service per week possibly do to youngsters? Instead of attending pubs, drinking alcohol and doing whatever they like to do, they will be busy with contributing to the society. The statistics shows that students who participated in community service while studying at college are more likely to find a good job because they have something to put in their resumes. Such people are welcome in every circle.
Current statistics from the Department of Labor report that in the United States among the 26, 8% of the adult population who volunteer, college students are the majority of them (76, 3%). That shows that individuals with higher levels of educational attainment are more aware of the importance of contributing to the community, more aware of the impact the may have and the responsibility they carry as citizens to improve lives and solve problems. By implementing a mandatory service program for all college students, the number of active students should be increased, and that should be the start.
The reason why that should be initiated at college is that college is where there already a wide culture of volunteering, where individuals are more responsive to the need of getting involved.
College students carry fundamental information that should
Cited: Arai, Susan, Karen Gallant, and Bryan Smale. "Civic Engagement Through Mandatory Community Service: Implications of Serious Leisure." Journal of Leisure Research 42.2 (2010): 181. Web. Brown, Steven, D, Ailsa Henderson, and Mark Pancer S. "Political and Social Dimensions of Civic Engagement: the Impact of Compulsory Community Service." Politics & Policy 40.1 (2012): 93. Web. Lerner, Richard, M, and Jonathan Zaff F. "Service Learning Promotes Positive Youth Development in High School: Both Youths and Communities Benefit when Students Engage in Service Learning in and out of School." Phi Delta Kappa 91.5 (2010): 21. Web. “Mandatory Service: Planting the Seed for a Better Society”. 24 November 2010. Web.