
What Are The Four Pillars For National Honor Society

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What Are The Four Pillars For National Honor Society
Pillars have supported countless structures of great significance throughout history. From ancient Greek temples to Persian capitals, pillars have been an essential foundation for important establishments worldwide. The pillars of our National Honor Society are no exception. Without the four bases of leadership, scholarship, service and character, NHS would not be the respected nationwide organization that it would be today. Every member of this society is required to fully represent these four attributes to maintain the prestigious essence of the organization. As stated above, my grade point average has allowed me to be eligible in the scholarship portion of this community. However, I am also required to represent the qualities of leadership, …show more content…
I have always cherished the value of service and its effects on communities. A school class that I take that promotes service is Student Senate. A requirement for that class is ten hours of community service per trimester, and I have been a part of this group since sophomore year. This class is all about improving our school and creating an enjoyable environment for our students to be in. An example of this would be when I helped decorate the halls during themed weeks such as Spirit Week and Winterfest along with my fellow classmates. Another example of helping my school community is setting up for Winter Formal. Key Club is a club that accumulates all of the values and ethics of service. As of this year, I have become a part of this organization. Now I like to sign up for as many volunteer opportunities as my time permits, and this club provides me with many of those. I have a lot of fun every time I contribute to these events and believe that these opportunities improve me as a person. A few events that I have helped out with are Give It Back Day, Parent’s Night Out, and the Blood Drive. When I helped out at the Blood Drive, I was a blood buddy and talked to the donators so that they were more comfortable while they were giving blood. Overall, this event had the potential to actually physically save lives and I am glad that I could be a part of it. I went to a client’s house during …show more content…
I carry values such as respect, honesty, and responsibility with me everywhere that I go. I believe that every person belongs and has a unique talent or gift that they can contribute to the community with. I have earned the most inspirational award during my junior soccer season and that says a lot about how my teammates and coaches perceive my interactions as an individual. I am a good role model that others can look up to for guidance. I am also a naturally approachable person who is easy to talk to, this is one of the reasons why so many students are comfortable asking me questions and talking to me. With a friendly attitude, you can easily become a pushover or easy to manipulate. This is why also being strict and setting your foot down is important too. If there is a student who makes others feel uncomfortable, I won’t hesitate to call them out and take a stand. I want everyone to feel included as an important member of our school community. Punctuality is essential for success, I am disciplined and accomplish things when I am supposed to at the correct time. I have had almost perfect attendance in my school career with one tardy this year. Even when I am sick I persevere and take myself to school, I am invested in being a part of Gladstone and being absent would deter from my goal of being the best person I can

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