Submitted by:
Tabaosares, August R.
of BSCSM 4 - A
Statement of the Problem
“MSB branch Managers having a passive attitude towards the submission of reports from CORPLAN unit of MSB”
Proposed Solutions
1. Once a year Supervision and Management training for MSB branch managers. 2. Twice a year re-evaluation conducted by HR department of MSB to the MSB branch managers. 3. Warning of termination if they continue having a passive attitude. 4. Deduction of salary to the MSB branch manager who’s always late in submitting the needed reports. 5. Make an agreement in both parties that if it will happen again, there will be a punishment to those who have made mistakes. 6. Give incentives to those MSB branch managers who submit the reports on time. 7. One week suspension to the MSB branch manager who ever submits report late. 8. Surprise evaluation of the MSB to the MSB branch managers. 9. Rotation of branch managers. 10. Conduct seminar on how to accomplish the report. 11. If appropriate, acknowledge the other person’s point of view and provide clarification on any misunderstandings. 12. Encourage them to propose solutions. Ask them to offer at least one resolution to any complaint. 13. Take disciplinary action quickly when appropriate and if necessary following your company employee policy manual. 14. Find out who is passive and offer guidance and corrective action promptly when you observe these negative behaviours. A good place to start is with departments, groups or teams that are not meeting their goals. 15. Encourage the manager to take a few minutes to be alone. That way, the individual can work through strong emotions and avoid scenes or actions that he or she may later regret.
Plan of Actions
Plan A.
“Give incentives to those MSB branch managers who submit the reports on time”
(P.S no. 6)
MSB branch managers’ incentives can