*The home has a policy to welcome complaints and look upon them as an opportunity to learn, adapt, improve and provide better services. *The home believes that failure to listen to or acknowledge complaints will lead to an aggravation of problems, residents dissatisfaction and possible litigation. The home supports the principle that most complaints, if dealt with early, openly, and honestly, can be sorted at a local level between just the complainant and the home. *If either the home or the complainant is dissatisfied with the result, the complaint will be referred to the Care Quality Commission and legal advice will be taken as per necessary. *The home's complaints procedure complies fully with current legislation and regulations. *In the event of a complaint involving alleged abuse or a suspicion that abuse has occurred, the home will refer the matter immediately to the Local Safeguarding Board manager.
Oral Complaints
All oral complaints should be taken seriously. Frontline care staff who receive an oral complaint should seek to solve the problem immediately. If staff cannot solve the problem immediately, they should offer to get the home manager to deal with the problem. It should be recorded in the complaints book.
Written complaints
When a complaint is received in writing, it should be passed on to the named complaints manager who should record it in the complaints book and send an acknowledgement letter within two working days. The complaints manager will be the named person who deals with the complaint through the process. If the complaint raises potentially serious matters, advice should be sought from a legal advisor to the home. If legal action is taken at this stage, any investigation by the home under the complaints procedure should cease immediately.
Investigation of the complaint by the home
Immediately on receipt of