Werner, John. ASQ Six Sigma Forum Magazine12.3 (May 2013): 28-30.
Abstract (summary)
Improving the complaint management process is important for any organization, and the rewards for establishing an effective process are substantial and well worth the effort. When customers experience a problem with a product or service, some will complain to the front-line personnel. Most organizations do not have a complaint tab or button on their home page or on their customer service pages. Customer complaint and loyalty research clearly shows that most organizations do not have any real idea of how well they are satisfying their customers. Providing ready and well-designed complaint handling processes that keep your customers informed, and responding with actions that satisfy your customers can create delight that can improve loyalty -- in some eases by 20%-30%. You should always remember the value of a customer complaint, as detailed in the book A Complaint Is a Gift. If more organizations could adopt this mindset, they would greatly improve customer satisfaction.
Full text
Why do most organizations not recognize the value of customer complaints? Why is it so difficult for a customer to engage an organization around a complaint? Once engaged, do customers reward an organization for a job well done?
I am no longer a young man. I have worked for 11 different organizations over my career across several different industries. I have also co-partnered a family with my wife, raised three children and have been a consumer buying stuff to support our quality of life. As a quality improvement professional, I have made it my business to ensure that when I felt an organization had not lived up to its quality promise, I attempted to engage that organization to resolve my problem.
Improving the complaint management process is important for any organization, and the rewards for establishing an effective process are substantial and well
References: REFERENCES AND NOTES 1 . To see the entire definition for each item refer to the Baldrige criteria, www.nist.gov/ baldrige/publications/business_nonprofit_ criteria.cfm. 2. John Goodman, "Manage Complaints to Enhance Lovaltv," Quality Progress, February 2006, pp. 28-34. 3. Complaint rates vary· by type of problem and industry. 4. Goodman, "Manage Complaints to Enhance Loyalty," see reference 2. 5. Janelle Barlow and Claus Moller, ? Complaint is a Gift. Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc., 2008.