Jackelin Lemus
Miami Dade College
This document discusses different types of customers and their customer service complaints, focusing on the Hispanic point of view. Hispanics are the fastest growing minority and ethnic group in the U.S., and amass great purchase power. The Hispanic customers are discerning, demanding, and loyal to their favorite brand. Upon disappointing this large and powerful market segment, organizations have much work to do to recapture their trust. Companies must learn about the customer service needs of their Hispanic clients and find strategic ways to fill the voids in their industry. The Hispanic customers know good customer service by nature, and as long as their favorite brands provide quality merchandise, and superior customer service Hispanics will remain loyal, and will travel to purchase their products and services.
The Complaint Handling Process from a Hispanic Point of View
The handling of customer complaints is the most important component when striving to provide superior customer service. According to Wysocki, Kepner, and Glasser (2012), research indicates that for every complaint expressed there are over 26 complaints that are never registered. A customer with a complaint is likely to tell 20 to 25 other customers and potential customers about his complaint.
There are many types of customers, Management often mistakenly assumes that everything is okay until a customer complains, not realizing that when customers are dissatisfied it is most times easier for them to quietly take their business elsewhere. Organizations that are customer service focused actively seek out customer complaints instead of just responding to customer complaints. Therefore, those that are truly committed to delivering superior customer service work hard at providing customers with opportunities to voice their complaints.
According to Wysocki, Kepner, and
References: Blackshaw, P. (2008). Spanish-language content surprisingly lacking on internet - Marketers, wake up and learn how to tap the buying power of growing Hispanic population. Access Business News, 52. Chattaraman, V., Lennon, S. J., & Rudd, N. A. (2010). Social identity salience: effects on identity-based brand choices of Hispanic consumers. American Psychological Association, Psychology & Marketing, 27(3), 263-284. Cornwell, T. B., Bligh, A. D., & Babakus, E. (1991). Complaint behavior of Mexican-American consumers to a third-party agency. The Journal of Consumer Affairs Vol. 25, No. 1. Dolinsky, C., & Feinberg, R. A. (1986). Linguistic barriers to consumer information processing: information overload in the hispanic population. American Pshychological Association, Psychology and Marketing, (3)4, 261-271. Krasovitzky, F. (n.d.). Effective complaint management: 12 Steps to customer delight. Retrieved from Magazine for Customer Service Professionals http://www.customerservicemanager.com/effective-complaint-management.htm PRWEB. (2007, May 9). Customer rage survey shows Hispanics ' customer service experiences are much worse than those of Anglos. Retrieved from businesswire.com http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20070508005473/en/Customer-Rage-Survey-Shows-Hispanics-Customer-Service Wysocki, A. F., Kepner, K. W., & Glasser, M. W. (2012). Customer complaints and types of customers 1. Retrieved from EDIS, University of Florida IFAS Extension http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/hr005