We have no method of receiving customer feedback and we need to address and adjust the attitudes about customer feedback.
Customer feedback is absolutely necessary if we are to see any kind of improvement. We may not want to hear the negative feedback but that is precisely what helps us improve the most. We need to look at customer feedback simply as a coaching tool for the company to do its job better or tips on how to improve.
These complaints are a valuable resource for getting input from the point of contact however if we are not recording them or taking them seriously we are missing opportunities. Going forward we will start apply metric-conscious techniques to track and measure customer comments. Going forward whenever one of our customer service representatives gets a customer on the phone it is mandatory that he or she asks the customer if they would like to take a short survey about their satisfaction level. This information will then be compiled to identify weak areas and prioritize tasks (Timm, 2011).
We will also be implementing the services of mystery shoppers to make sure the customer service representative are on their feet and provide an objective evaluation of their customer service experience.
This is how we will identify what the competition is doing that we aren’t that is causing these customers to have higher standards than what we are currently able to provide.
Our staff needs training on how to handle customers.
Our entire staff will have to undergo training on how to handle irate customers. We have to understand that a customer is not upset at you personally they are upset at the situation and you represent the company. The training will cover how to avoid letting the customer get to you and how to hone certain listening skills. We will be
References: Timm, P. (2011). Customer service: career through customer loyalty (Myscribe)