1.1 Identify the regulatory requirements, codes of practice and relevant guidance for managing concerns and complaints in own home
The complaints policy for E-Spire Healthcare outlines the following aims:
To resolve concerns / complaints as quickly and effectively as possible, through an informal response by a frontline member of staff. If this is not possible then through a more formal investigation and conciliation in an open and non-defensive way.
To ensure that all concerns / complaints are dealt with in accordance with the procedures.
To ensure that staff, patients and relatives/carers are aware of the policy and procedures.
To improve quality of service by identifying lessons learned from complaints and by implementing improvements in the service using the lessons learnt.
Since we opened the doors to E-Spire Healthcare in September 2013 I have been the Operations Manager, part of my job role is to ensure our Policies and Procedures reflect a safe environment for both the client and staff, to enable clients to have the person centred care that the rightly deserve and as a minimum expect, whilst ensuring that staff are given the information, training and skills, to support the client in a positive manner, and to ensure they understand the client’s needs.
I designed the Service User Guide in this pack I have devised a section which includes a piece about expectations on how complaints will be dealt with. This reads as the following:
Please be assured that any complaint you make will be taken seriously and handled sensitively and efficiently. An initial acknowledgement will be received within 5 working days and a full written response, following a thorough investigation, will be sent within 28 working days. If for any reason this cannot be achieved then you will receive written communication informing you of this.
In the first instance we would encourage you to speak to the