way he says he would. Another aspect of the novel that supports this theme is slavery. The book talks about John Brown and his methods. Brown says he is against slavery and acts on what he says. In other words, he practices what he preaches. But some whites say they disagree with slavery, but take no action to stop it. The difference between them and Brown is evident, as is the difference between actions and words.
As mentioned earlier, a major theme in the novel March is saying you will do something versus taking action.
One can say something but take a different course of action. The only way to take your words mean anything, is to take action because of them. An example of this from the novel is John Brown and other radicals in comparison to white moderates of that time. During the Civil War, slavery was a big issue, especially among abolitionists. Some abolitionists gave speeches denouncing slavery and encouraging others to fight against it. This was a peaceful way to protest. But some abolitionists took a more violent course of action. They were known as radicals, and one of the men leading their charge was John Brown. Brown believed that slavery would never be eliminated unless force was used. He lead raids that attacked plantations and freed slaves, killing slave owners in the process. John Brown was not afraid to take action. But there were people known as white moderates, who feared the consequences of those actions. Moderates were people who opposed slavery, yet thought of it safer to stand by and do nothing. They said that they opposed it but they didn’t act on their word. Of course it was safer to do this but it also didn’t help the cause at all. Even though Brown and radicals like him took extreme actions, at least it was effective and they had acted on their
Even though John Brown’s methods were violent and got innocent people killed, I do believe this definitely sped up and ultimately helped end slavery. If only peaceful action was taken, it would’ve taken much longer to end slavery. And although I disagree with violence, it did impact the way society saw slavery as an issue. It made people aware that it was something abolitionists were willing to fight over. They understood that men like Brown were willing to kill if it meant ending slavery for good. Someone had to take a more radical approach to abolishing slavery. Otherwise, without power in numbers, protesting wouldn't have made a huge impact.