*Before we discuss my Mariachi Los Gallitos experience, I believe it is important to share a brief history of the Mariachi as a whole and this particular group individually. * The name of the Mariachi is disputed amongst many musicologists and folklorists. Some argue that “mariachi” derives from the French term “mariage” meaning wedding or marriage while others argue the term originates from its indigenous roots of the platform structures that they performed on. They are a visual and audible representation of musicality and the embodiment of the Western Mexican culture. The Mariachi has a very distinct dress and has musicality influences from all over the world. This musical ensemble, in particular, used a methodology of blending native stylings with foreign influences. The Mariachi is composed of several different instruments including the trumpet, guitarron (originally the harp), bass guitar, rhythm guitar, and the violin. Initially, the Mariachi was composed of only string instruments, and it wasn’t until 1933 in which trumpets were added to the mix. In fact, the Mariachi began as a four man ensemble that over time grew into the modern version we see today. In this instance, they utilized regional traditions to alter the quantity of instrumentations based on personal preference. The …show more content…
Mariachi Los Gallitos brought two trumpet players, one bass guitarist (guitarron), three violinists, and two rhythm guitarists (vihuelas); whom all aided in the singing of the songs lead by a single female vocalist. They are a timeless group of 40 years based out of Houston, Texas.
However out of the 40 years, only the last thirty-four have been spent traveling across the US and bordering countries as a professional group where they have exhibited their talents in many notable venues such as the Smithsonian's Festival of American Folk life in Washington, D.C., the Festival Internationale de Louisianne, and the Houston International Festival. The Mariachi Los Gallitos reaches an innumerable amount of people due to their ability to incorporate different genres (country, pop, rock ‘n roll, jazz, etc.) into the traditional stylings of the Mexican
culture. The audience was taken on a cross-continental adventure through the musical stylings of the Mariachi. From the German Polka “Roll out the Barrel” to the upbeat Cuban song “Guantanamera,” this ensemble was able to conquer each style of music. An example of this is when they played “Smooth” by Carlos Santana feat. Rob Thomas. Although generalized as Rock ‘N Roll, “Smooth” already had a Latin feel; the Los Gallitos furthered this expression of adaptive folklore by utilizing the bass guitar as the beat instead of the drums that Santana used. They recycled Mexican tradition in the use of acoustic guitars, rather than electric versions, to provide rich sounds and harmonies amongst each other. Likewise, their exhibition of bilingual talents made for an interesting rendition of “I Love You, Baby” by Frank Sinatra, in which they combined Spanish and English lyrics to adhere to their indigenous roots. Instead of the mezzo-piano accompaniment, the trumpet was used to create vivacious tones that brilliantly hurried the tempo while the steadiness of the guitars and violins remained constant. Overall, the Mariachi Los Gallitos put on a spicy performance that engaged the audience in every way. From pulling children up to dance on stage to encouraging the “el grito” yell, they made sure to keep the audience on the edge of their seats. Whether they were playing Jimmy Buffet or a romantic salsa, the Los Gallitos brought the lost art of Mariachi back to life…at least for the moment. The Mariachi holds tight to an incredible history and culture that is on the verge of extinction. For the sake of the art, one can only hope that this Mexican tradition lives on for generations to come.