
Mark And Luke Comparison

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Mark And Luke Comparison
The similarities and differences in the gospels of Mark and Luke are equivalently revealing about the authors and their purpose for the parable. Unlike Matthew, both of these gospels begin by asking rhetorical questions. It can be implied that Luke decided to keep the beginning in question form, although he decided to write for a different audience. Luke was writing as a historian for elite citizens. By leaving the beginning as a question it implements more eloquence than just a statement. While Luke’s version of the parable gets across the same point as Mark’s version, his wording produces a different meaning of the parable. His wording specifically cuts out the description of the size of the seed and plant, by doing so he is minimizing the …show more content…
The first explanation of the parable in Mark’s gospel, whose writing was intended for an audience of persecuted people. He must have viewed the parable as an essential aspect of the story because he goes into lengthy detail. By going into detail, his story is more attractive which gives the people hope for what they believe especially during such a difficult religious time. The metaphor of the seed and the plant, as described in Mark also emphasizes who his writing was intended for. Mark says that the shrub “puts forth large branches, so that the birds of the air can nests in its shade.” The action of putting forth branches stands as a symbol for the kingdom of God opening up to any incoming followers and all followers. By using the word “can” it is implied that he does not expect everyone to join the kingdom of God. If he expected everyone to become part of the kingdom he would have included the word “will”, which implies that everyone will be attracted to the kingdom of God and eventually form a part of the kingdom. Lastly, the use of shade displays that Mark perceives followers as inferior to the actual kingdom. While people are invited to use what the kingdom has to offer, he doesn’t imply that followers will be on the same level of God and Jesus. It is important to highlight that God and Jesus are superior to their

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