Task 1
1. Self – managed learning
2. Lifelong learning in the personal and professional contexts
3. Benefit of the self-managed learning
Task 2
1. Skills and competence against professional standards and organizational
2. Development need and the activities required to meet them
3. Opportunities to meet current and future needs
4. Personal and professional development plan
1. Development chat
2. C.V
3. Different learning style
4. Feedback
1. Solutions to work-based problems
2. Communicate style
3. Time management strategies
Task 1
Self-management learning
Self-learning is a way that a person adopt to discover new ways in academic tenure, which might be living in a civilization of wages that is a vary surroundings. Self-management is related to identifying that where your goals are lying, gathering knowledge and resources to achieve those particular goals. People read stories of their well-known heroes or personalities which have gain applause from their nation. Self-management gives people chance to come up with their own ideas in knowledge, can evaluate and implement those idea. Individuals can get that information and apply it on their professional life.
Approaches to self learning
A person can learn it while moving pillar to pillar the study and can fulfill the responsibility assign by school, college or even at the stage of professionalism; community may have well understanding about the contradictory procedure damage in accountability, it also tell about the harms related to UK trade nation can also study what is happening in business ambiances.
People can develop their knowledge through seminars, conferences what is your opinion? They can change our
References: Education.com. 2013. Different Learning Styles in Education | Education.com. [online] Available at: http://www.education.com/reference/article/Ref_Teaching_Tips/ [Accessed: 28 Nov 2013]. Mayoclinic.com. 2012. Time management: Tips to reduce stress and improve productivity - MayoClinic.com. [online] Available at: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/time-management/WL00048 [Accessed: 28 Nov 2013]. Mediate.com. 2013. Seven Steps for Effective Problem Solving in the Workplace. [online] Available at: http://www.mediate.com/articles/thicks.cfm [Accessed: 28 Nov 2013]. Roher, T. 2013. The Different Types of Communication Styles | eHow. [online] Available at: http://www.ehow.com/info_7956333_different-types-communication-styles.html#ixzz2ltOsYfAb [Accessed: 28 Nov 2013]. Tesco.com. 2013. Corporate objectives. [online] Available at: http://www.tesco.com/investorInformation/report95/corpobj.html [Accessed: 28 Nov 2013]. UK Essays, A. 2013. Approaches to self managed learning. [online] Available at: http://www.ukessays.com/essays/education/approaches-to-self-managed-learning-education-essay.php#ixzz2kQlVCztv [Accessed: 28 Nov 2013].