Executive Summary
Swasthya Food Products is a newly established organization which basically deals with the processed health food products which are related to health products. The company started business on Public-Private Partnership mode with the Bakery training unit of the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. The company has launched three new products, namely Ragi malt with a brand name of Magic malt, Swasthya Plus a health drink which suits for all ages and Gold 9 which is also a traditional Health drink which gives a real desi taste. All these three products purely contain different nutritious and sprouted grains. Swasthya company has also launched Instant Health Drink Vending Machine.
Market research is imperative for a company to know what type of products or services would be profitable to introduce in the market. Also with respect to its existing products in the market, good market research enables a company to know if it has been able to satisfy customer needs and whether any changes need to be made in the packaging, delivery or the product itself. This enables a company to formulate a viable marketing plan or measure the success of its existing plan.
The present study titled “Market Survey of Traditional Health Drinks in Bangalore Urban” was taken for the summer internship with the following objectives.
• To study the market potential of Malt based traditional health drinks
• To evaluate the consumer preference towards traditional health drinks
• To evaluate the preference of the installation of health drink vending machine.
• To study the consumer behavior towards Swasthya foods company products
With growing health awareness, many people have become selective about their diet and there is a marked preference for low calorie high protein food supplements. At the same time, poor people cannot afford costly energy food available in the market. Thus, there is a growing market for