As more organisations become complex and competitive, human behaviour cannot be ignored. Leaders need to understand the strategic factors that influence human behaviour. Success of an organisation is largely based on understanding ‘the interface between the human behaviour, organisation and the organisation itself’ (Griffin 2010:4).
Human Behaviour
Understanding ‘why... people behave the way they do’ Clawson (2001a) is a critical factor in predicting human behaviour. Human behaviour is not innate but is learnt, we are shaped by what we see and experience in our lives and the way we respond to circumstances. Research and study has shown that human behaviour is a function of ‘Personal Values, Assumptions, Beliefs and Expectations (VABEs) about the way the world should be’ Clawson (2001a). Thus, human behaviour is influenced by ‘VABEs’. Effective leadership becomes a process of understanding other people’s VABEs. As asserted by Clawson (2001a) leadership is influential ‘guessing is not managing...unless leaders understand why people behave the way they do their efforts to influence others’ ... [will be futile.] (Clawson, 2001a:1&22)
According to Robbins, Judge, & Campbel (2010:84) understanding personalities in an organisation is very critical, he described personality as ‘the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others’. ‘Big Five personality model’ is an outburst of personality, a critical theory of predicting human behaviour and personality traits in relation to job performance. As an assessment tool for leaders it helps to identify five key personality dimensions: Extroversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotion Stability and Openness to Experience. Other personality attributes, Locus of Control, Machiavellianism, Self-Esteem, Self monitor and
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