1. In the previous editions of socratix, the evaluators apart from looking at the content have also focused on structure and presentation of the submission. Problem definition, objective statement, analytical rigour and innovative approach have also been taken into account during evaluation.
2. Maximum team size is limited to two members from the same participation group.
3. Entries (Case analysis including Annexures) should not exceed a limit of 1000 words
(excluding cover page). This will be taken into consideration during evaluation.
4. Mention the Team No. in the header – eg. “Team No. 136” in the header, such that it appears on every page of the analysis.
5. All entries should be in the form of Microsoft Word document in Times New Roman,
Font (size 12) with single line spacing. The size limit of the document should not exceed 1500 KB.
6. Submissions should be titled (file name) as per the following format – Participant
Name(s)_socratix 2013 – eg. “Akhil Pandit_Rahul Ghosh_socratix 2013”
7. Entries should be uploaded on or before 1st October, 2013 at http://cochomapp1/event_registration/register.aspx 8. Entries that do not follow the aforesaid timelines would not be considered.
9. The decision of evaluation panel and organizing team shall be final and binding.
10. In case of any difficulty, please email to nikhilmahindroo@bharatpetroleum.in or call at
022-24117609 or 022-24176511.
Case Study
Jill Avery is an assistant professor of marketing at the Simmons
School of Management. Thomas Steenburgh is an associate professor of marketing at the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business.
A software company debates its strategic focus. by Jill Avery and Thomas Steenburgh
Target the
Right Market
he knock on Jane Tamsen’s office door startled her. Vikram, one of
Jane’s sales directors, poked his head in. “You