3-Year Marketing Plan
Assessment Code: MKT1
Student Name: Lauren Lambert
Student ID: 295309
Date: 3/4/2014
Mentor Name: Aneesah Sultan Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Mission Statement 3
The Product 3
Consumer Product Classification 4
Target Market 4
Competitive Situation Analysis 5
Analysis of Competition using Porter’s 5 Forces Model 5
SWOT Analysis 6
Strengths Error! Bookmark not defined.
Weaknesses Error! Bookmark not defined.
Opportunities Error! Bookmark not defined.
Threats Error! Bookmark not defined.
Market Objectives 8
Product Objective 8
Price Objective Error! Bookmark not defined.
Place Objective Error! Bookmark not defined.
Promotion Objective Error! Bookmark not defined.
Marketing Strategies Error! Bookmark not defined.
Product Strategies Error! Bookmark not defined.
Price Strategies Error! Bookmark not defined.
Place Strategies Error! Bookmark not defined.
Promotion Strategies Error! Bookmark not defined.
Tactics and Action Plan Error! Bookmark not defined.
Product Action Plan Error! Bookmark not defined.
Price Action Plan Error! Bookmark not defined.
Place Action Plan Error! Bookmark not defined.
Promotion Action Plan Error! Bookmark not defined.
Monitoring Procedures 10
In today’s world, it seems as if everyone is constantly on the go, leaving little time to tackle the simple tasks. These tasks often make the difference between someone having a horrible day and having a great day. Preparing and eating a delicious and nutritious breakfast is one of those daily duties that will make the difference. However, in a study published by the American Diabetic Association, more than 1/3 of the United States skips breakfast, the most important meal of the day, due to demanding schedules and hectic morning routines. From busy working moms, to overwhelmed college students, everyone deserves a chance at a quick and healthy breakfast to begin a great day. Because Company G is dedicated to