2. When demand for your company's product is 10,000 units and you ordered production of 12,000 units you will be left with an inventory of 2,000 units that will be available for your company to sell in the next period. True, you would be left with 2,000 units.
3. More "Special Commands" will be always preferred then fewer "special commands" by all customers. False, most consumers are not highly tech-savvy, so more special commands only makes the product more difficult to use.
4. Your sales will go up with "lower" prices in all segments. True, people tend to buy more frequently if prices are lower.
5. In this game you set "recommended retail price". False, the VDR sets the recommended retail price, but the dealer ultimately chooses price.
6. If the "wholesale price" of a product is $100, its retail price in Channel 1 will be $150. True, the mark-up in Channel 1 is 50%, so 50% of $100 is $50. $100+50=$150
7. If the "unit cost" of a product is $100, its whole sale price is $150 then it is better to have a "stock out" situation rather than an "inventory" situation. False, it is better to have inventory left over because if you simply don’t have the product, people will go to your competitors and you will lose sales entirely.
8. Distribution Intensity refers to the number of sales people you assign to a channel. False, this is referring to the number/percentage of dealers assigned to each channel.
9. You have complete freedom over your marketing