1.0………....Introduction 3
1.1……… Present Situation 3
2.0………… Environmental forces 4
2.1………Micro 4
2.2………Macro 6
3.0…………SWOT Analysis 8
4.0………Product and Branding Strategies……………………………………………......9
4.1……… Guinness most popular branding strategies 12
5.0…………Pricing Strategies……………………………………………................................13
6.0……..Promotional Strategies……………………………………………………………14
6.1………Arthurs Day 14
6.2………Hurling 14
7.0.………Distribution 15
References 16
List of Figures Figure2.2.1..........Guinness Demographic views 6
Figure4.0.1..........EXTRA STOUT 10
Figure4.0.2..........DRAUGHT GUINNESS 10 Figure4.0.3..........FOREIGN EXTRA STOUT……………………...………………….10 Figure4.0.4……….GUINNESS MID SRENGTH………………………..……………11 Figure4.0.5………GUINNESS BLACK LARGER……………………………………11 Figure7.0.1………...Third Tier Distribution System…………………………………. 15
1.0 Introduction
Guinness all started by the man called Arthur Guinness. Arthur was born in (1725-1803) and has created possibly one of the most famous drinks in the world. It all started in 1744 when the first recipe was recorded for the popular drink; from then to now the drink is brewed in almost 49 countries and sold in over a 150 countries. However it was on the 31st of December 1759, how the St James Gate Brewery become famous all around the world when Arthur Guinness signed a 7000 year lease for it back in 1759. Guinness is one of the most popular drink in the world as over 10 million pints of Guinness is poured out a day. Guinness has expanded extendedly in other countries exceptionally well, in countries like Nigeria and other Africa nations on the continent as Africa consumes over 40% of the famous stout.
1.1 Present Situation
Diageo was formed by the 1997 merger of Guinness with foods and spirits company the Grand Metropolitan. Diageo is the world’s biggest producer of alcoholic drinks; these include (Guinness, Captain Morgan, Smirnoff,
References: New Technology Creates a More Eco-Friendly Head on Your Guinness. (2011, March 14). Retrieved March 23, 2013, from Good: http://www.good.is/posts/new-technology-creates-a-more-eco-friendly-head-on-your-guinness A Successful Partnership Beer facts and figure. (n.d.). Retrieved March 14, 2013, from Digital Kaos: http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/f4/beer-facts-figures-151112/ (n.d.) Empire DistributorsInc. (n.d.). Retrieved March 14, 2013, from Empire Distributors Inc: http://www.empiredist.com/ Fame Guiness award. (n.d.). Retrieved April 1, 2013, from Guiness Nigeria: http://www.guinness-nigeria.com/AboutUs/AboutUs.aspx?pageid=19 Guinness Arthur 's Day Guinness Market Segmentation. (n.d.). Retrieved April 2, 2013, from Study mode: http://www.studymode.com/essays/Guinness-Market-Segmentation-591770.html Guinness pours blog spot Guinness storehouse factsheet. (n.d.). Retrieved March 18, 2013, from Guinness storehouse: http://www.guinness-storehouse.com/en/pdfs/factsheets/factsheet_pdf_10.pdf Guinness Theory Kotler, A. &. (2003). Marketing a Introduction. Pearson International Edition. London stock exchange. (2010, February 11). Diageo PLC Diageo plc half year report. Nexis. Marketing activities of Guinness. (n.d.). Retrieved March 16, 2013, from Business teacher: http://www.businessteacher.org.uk/free-management-essays/marketing-activities-of-guinness-diageo.php McGee, H