Dr. Holger Siemons
17. Marke4ng in the global firm
IKEA case study on global marke4ng Global marke4ng strategy Targe4ng customer segments and posi4oning Standardiza4on and adapta4on Global branding Global product development Interna4onal pricing Interna4onal marke4ng communica4on Interna4onal distribu4on
Dr. Holger Siemons
17. IKEA case study -‐ prepara4on
Increasingly interdependent world Barriers for trade and interna4onal exchanges diminish Some new barriers are erected Many old ones fall WTO Cultural dimension remains a barriers Different tastes, likings, preferences Different responses to messages Differently segments markets Different living styles The IKEA case study explores how IKEA conducts its marke4ng strategies to appeal to customers cul4vated in a different culture Combina4on of global marke4ng strategy and local culture Dr. Holger Siemons
17. IKEA case study -‐ prepara4on IKEA now has 253 stores in 37 countries First store in mainland China opened in Shanghai in 1998 It took IKEA over nine years to understand the Chinese market 500 % increase in sales (2000 – 2005) Ini4ally made li[le profit since