Marketing in a Digital Age
We all know that the technology today is rapidly changing together with the people. People nowadays, know how to use the new technology because of the generation today that we lived. So, many marketing people change their strategy for the sake of the business, many tycoons entered E-commerce for them to sell their products because they know that their customers are in the internet.
Your Customers in a Digital Age
Won’t call you during regular hours
Demand 24/7 info delivery channel
Can find competitor as easy as they find you.
Limited physical compare shopping.
Marketing Strategy in the Digital Age
Includes efforts that inform, communicate, promote, and sell products and services over the Internet.
E-commerce benefits both buyers and sellers
Buyer Benefits of E-Commerce:
Easy and private
Greater product access/selection
Access to comparative information
Interactive and immediate
Seller Benefits of E-Commerce:
Relationship building
Reduced costs
Increased speed and efficiency
Global access, global reach
Conducting E-Commerce
E-tailers, search engines and portals, ISPs, transaction sites, enabler sites
Dot.coms failed for many reasons
Lack of planning and research
Over emphasis on acquisition vs. retention
Poor web site design / distribution systems
Low margins
Click-and-Mortar Companies
Channel conflict was initially a concern
E-commerce often created new customers, rather than cannibalizing existing ones
Many firms now enjoy greater success than their click-only competition
Trusted brand names, greater financial resources, larger customer base, industry knowledge, and strong supplier relationships were key advantages
Creating web sites
Corporate web sites
Build goodwill and relationships; generate excitement
Marketing web sites
Engage consumers and attempt to influence purchase
Web site design
7 Cs of
References: 6 rules in marketing strategy in a digital age (2010) Retrieved from Process of marketing in a digital age (2010) Retrieved from Dr. Karen E. James. Marketing in a digital age. Retrieved from,d.dGY Tommy Weng. Retrieved from