References: .David A. Grarin, 1987 Competing on the eight Dimensions of Quality, Harvard Business school Review, Nov-Dec, Pp.101-109. 2.Seth Godid, February 2003, In Praise of the Purple Cow, Fast Company, pp 74-85. 3.Tracie Rozhon, July 22,2003., Sales are thin., Customers Bored, its time for quality, New York Times, p. CI4.Adrian J. Slywolzky and David J. Morrison, 2000, How Digital is your Business, New York Crown Business ch5. 5.Sonia Reyes, 2002, Krafting the Total Promo Package, Brand Week, 15 July, pp. 24-276.Michael McCarthy 2002, Direct Marketing Gets Cannes Do Spirit, USA Today, 17 June, p 4B7.Edward L Nash, 1995, Direct marketing: Strategy, Planning, Execution, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, New York8.Roger A Strang, 1976, Sales Promotion: Fast growth, Faulty Management, July-August, Harvard Business Review, p116-1199.Abraham Magid M & Leonard M Lodish, 1990, Getting the most out of advertising and Promotion, Harvard Business Review, May-June, pp 50-60. 10.Kapil Bawa & Robert W. Shoemaker, 1989, Analyzing Incremental Sales from a Direct Mail Coupon Promotion, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 66-7811.Pierre Chandon, Brian Wansink, Gilles Laurent, 2000, A Benefit Congruency Framework of Sales Promotion Effectiveness, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 64, No. 4, pp. 65-81. 12.http://www.DirectMarketingMag.com13.
References: .David A. Grarin, 1987 Competing on the eight Dimensions of Quality, Harvard Business school Review, Nov-Dec, Pp.101-109. 2.Seth Godid, February 2003, In Praise of the Purple Cow, Fast Company, pp 74-85. 3.Tracie Rozhon, July 22,2003., Sales are thin., Customers Bored, its time for quality, New York Times, p. CI4.Adrian J. Slywolzky and David J. Morrison, 2000, How Digital is your Business, New York Crown Business ch5. 5.Sonia Reyes, 2002, Krafting the Total Promo Package, Brand Week, 15 July, pp. 24-276.Michael McCarthy 2002, Direct Marketing Gets Cannes Do Spirit, USA Today, 17 June, p 4B7.Edward L Nash, 1995, Direct marketing: Strategy, Planning, Execution, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, New York8.Roger A Strang, 1976, Sales Promotion: Fast growth, Faulty Management, July-August, Harvard Business Review, p116-1199.Abraham Magid M & Leonard M Lodish, 1990, Getting the most out of advertising and Promotion, Harvard Business Review, May-June, pp 50-60. 10.Kapil Bawa & Robert W. Shoemaker, 1989, Analyzing Incremental Sales from a Direct Mail Coupon Promotion, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 66-7811.Pierre Chandon, Brian Wansink, Gilles Laurent, 2000, A Benefit Congruency Framework of Sales Promotion Effectiveness, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 64, No. 4, pp. 65-81. 12.http://www.DirectMarketingMag.com13.