Main characteristics of marketing oriented organisation 1
Types of organizations: 1
Product Oriented organizations: 1
Characteristics of marketing oriented organisation: 1
Explain the various elements of the marketing concept with reference to the Ikea’s marketing activities. 2
5 Cs of Marketing 2
4Ps of marketing are: 2
Identify and critically assess the benefits and costs of marketing approach for Ikea. 3
Task 1.2 3
A) Identify and explain macro and micro environmental factors which influence marketing decisions of Ikea 3
Micro-environmental Factors: 3
Macro-environmental Factors: 4
B) With your understanding of the topic on Segmentation, propose segmentation criteria that the organisation can use for two products in different markets. 5
C) Sketch out those factors that influence the choice of targeting strategy by the organisation with reference to the financial capability of sponsors 5
Targeting strategy: 5
Importance of financial capability of Sponsor: 5
D) How does buyers behaviour affects marketing activities in two different buying situations putting into consideration 6
Task 1.3: A) Describe how products are developed By Ikea 6
B) Distribution Management: 7
C) How are prices set to reflect an organisation’s objectives and marketing conditions? 8
D) Show an illustration of how the organisation (Ikea) integrates its promotional activities to achieve its marketing objectives. 8
Task 2: A) Attempt a suggestion of marketing mixes for two dissimilar segments in consumer markets. 9
C) Critically explain how and why international marketing differs from domestic marketing with reference to Ikea 10
References: 11
Main characteristics of marketing oriented organisation
The marketing is a management and customer satisfaction strategy which is focused on the customer satisfaction and it is also involved in various functions like advertisement, promotion, selling products and services of the business, product planning, and product
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