
Mary Maloney Alternate Ending

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Mary Maloney Alternate Ending
The police had just finished eating, said their farewells, and sluggishly staggered out of the house into the echoing chatter of the wind and rain. Sitting in the stifling silence, Mary Maloney was drowning in her whirlwind of thought as she anxiously paced the floor. Suddenly, she stopped at a chilling epiphany: she can't carry the burden of killing her own husband. It was eating away at the little amount of mental stability she had left. She couldn't bare knowing she would have to raise her daughter without a father because of her own actions.
Mary, in a stupefied state, muttered to herself, "What am I going to do? I killed him... I killed him! What can I do? I know! I'll talk to Sherry. Hopefully she'll understand."
Sherry is Mary's best
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I killed my husband, and I don't know what to do. I'm terrified that I could potentially be insane. I didn't mean to kill him! I don't know what got into me."
"I don't think this is something that just happens, Mary." Sherry's expression became more serious as she spoke. They sat in deafening silence for a moment, thinking of what could possibly be done.
"Mary, is there a possibility that maybe you could turn yourself in?" Mary was paralyzed in shock. She couldn't believe her best friend of over 2 decades would ever suggest such a rash, and consequent idea.
Mary blurted out in anger, "Turn myself in!? I have a child I have to raise, it's the only job I could ever hold as a woman, and you know that!"
"I know, I'm sorry. I just don't know what else to say. News like this isn't something that someone could take in easily."
"I suppose you're right. I guess I didn't really think of how you would take this, other than be understanding like always. Let's consider the options."
"Okay. Now, if you did turn yourself in, what would you be charged for?"
"I wouldn't know. All I know is that I didn’t realize I killed him until moments after it had been done," Mary claimed,
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I just got so angry after he told me he was leaving me. I faded out of my own mind, and it was like I wasn't in control anymore."
"Maybe, it wasn't murder then! You didn't intend to kill him. You just got so angry that it caused you to shut down. Which led to you not being able to control your own actions."
"I suppose, but what does that mean?"
"You wouldn't be charged with murder. It sounds strongly like voluntary manslaughter. Think about it, you didn't know you had killed him until later; you were blinded by your own anger with no thought or realization of what was happening."
Mary was astonished by hearing these things, wondering if all of it was rational.
"That is true. Maybe turning myself in would be the right thing to do. It would help me with achieving closure for what happened, and knowing I've paid for what I've done would help me move on."
"Are you sure this is what you want, Mary? What about your daughter?"
"If I never turn myself in, and go about living, I'll never find a job with my mental state, nor will I be able to make money being at home constantly with

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