Marketing Communications:
An examination of the mascot as one of its key successes
Narathip Sunkunakorn
Student number: 139407000
Tutor’s name
John Roberts
Course: PSM4
Word count: 1,650 words
Marketing Communications: An examination of the mascot as one of its key successes
In the business world, most of organisations’ targets are the profit. To reach the target, organisations do their best to attract their consumers by advertisement, promotion, direct sales, and communication. These kinds of activities are included in the marketing studies. According to McDaniel, Lamb and Hair (2013), “Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners and society at large”. The activities or strategies of marketing which are used to engage with the customer that called “Marketing Communication”. This paper will explain the marketing communication and its tools used and will also focus on the role of mascots in serving the marketing communication strategy to promote the organisations’ products, services and their related activities.
However, the marketing communication, according to Fill (2006 & 2009), is a “management process” which consist of three aspects. The first aspect is the word ‘engage’. Coulson-Thomas (1991) suggests that it is hard to do a marketing strategy without an understanding of the communication process. Coulson-Thomas (1991) and Fill (2009) point out that there are many kinds of communications that can be used to engage with customers such as one-way, two-way, and dialogue communications. Coulson-Thomas (1991) concludes that the marketers should define terms of communication between producer and consumer. This process is the core of marketing. Without it, business would not sustain.
The second aspect concerns the audiences for marketing communications. Marketing communications should be
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