Within a span of fifty years, the media technology has been utilized by developed as well as developing countries of the world for the purpose of qualitative improvement of education. The basic freedoms of a democratic society are freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly and freedom to petition. Besides these freedoms, rests of the freedoms are freedom of religious expressions, of politics choice, of intellectual growth, and of communication of information and ideas. With this freedom of press and advancement in technologies, the social, economic and political scenario took its shape very rapidly and every corners of the society get into connect which is term as ‘Global village’.
The mass media are very powerful, informative, socializing, and motivating force. The role of mass media in a nation’s development is widely accepted. Broadcast media, especially radio, has been found to be very effective in the development and building up of the rural areas. The need to communicate with our fellow beings is a fundamental need like the physical requirement of food and shelter. This urge for communication is a primal one and, in our contemporary civilization, a necessity for survival.
The role of mass media in enhancing rural education has been widely recognized. It can enrich the inter-personal channel of communication and help in the enforcement of social norms. It can also be help for involving people in national policies and goals for development. The broadcast media as well as print media were also helpful in the development of national policies and goals by enhancing their power and change attitudes, thus helping in the adoption of new methods and techniques for development.
Media is a communicating means, especially, newspapers, televisions, radio, telephone, computer, internet and other related professional collectivity that are used to disseminate