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Mass Media and Younger Generation

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Mass Media and Younger Generation
Entertainment has a significant influence on the people. The effects of entertainment can both be positive and negative. This influence of the entertainment industry has grown tremendously over the years. The influence can be greatly attributed to the advancement of technology. Entertainment is mostly through the media which includes; the television, magazines, newspapers, radio, and internet, among others. The influence of entertainment on the younger generation affects the way that they dress, talk, and act. This is because the current generation and society depends on entertainment as a form of communication and information. The society, therefore, turns to entertainment for the daily activities like education, health care, traveling, work, and personal relationships. This paper is going to look at the effects of entertainment on the younger generation. In addition, it is going to look at how entertainment affects the young generation in terms of their acts, the way they dress, and talk.
A nation like America is an example, of a country that has developed in terms of entertainment (Fisher 58). It is one of the countries that has got and has produced some of the greatest entertainers. The country is one of the leading producers of entertainment in the planet. In addition, it is one of the nations that there is a greater influence of entertainment on the younger generation. The effects of entertainment on the younger generation in America can be said to be both positive and negative. The influence is mostly on entertainment media such as television, radio, and the internet. The influence on the upcoming generation has affected their expression and vies on the culture of America. The influence is on how they talk, dress, and act on the society. This has been caused by the social media pressure that is sweeping through the country. These are the influences that entertainment has on the younger generation in the country.
The citizens of America depend on communication and information for their daily activities. These activities include; work, education, entertainment, traveling, personal relationships, and health care (Kearney and Crandall 89). The people use the newspapers or television to get news. They make phone calls, browse over the internet where possible to make decisions that are based on the information that they need and get. The decisions should be made depending on the values and beliefs that exist in the society. The younger generation, therefore, need to have facts and use experience when making certain decisions. The media are the place where most people get the latest and current facts and news on significant issues. Most of the younger generation, therefore, turns to the media which is a form of entertainment to get news and education. This in effect, has influence on the younger generation. The upcoming generation, gets influenced by the mass media and this in turn affects the way that they conduct themselves in the society. The influence works in several ways and can be caused also because of several reasons. This can be either positively, negatively, or even both.
How the influence works
The television is the common and most known form of entertainment that has got influence. The television exposes the upcoming generation to thousand of images. These images include; celebrities advertisement, violence, sex, among many others. The exposure to the younger generation is too high when considered in terms of years (Scott 9). The media should be responsible for the programs they air. They are the ones who should help in shaping the beliefs, values, and decisions that the upcoming generation makes. The companies that own the media are the ones who are in charge of entertainment movies, radio and television broadcasts. Moreover, they are the ones who authorize the programs, sports, and video entertainments. In addition, most of the companies that offer these services are also integrated in the wireless phones, telecommunications, music industry, electronic media, video game software, and more. Therefore, the companies should consider programs that nature cultural values and beliefs that do not have a negative influence on the upcoming generation. However, some companies have merged to shape the beliefs and opinions of the users. It is significant to consider what the younger generation is exposed to daily through the entertainment avenues. This calls for the other people in the society to be vigilant in protecting the values and beliefs of the country. They should look at the entertainment that is given from, different perspectives; as opposed to ho the media gives it.
The advertisement done by the media is another exposure to the upcoming generation. Although, the media makes a lot of money from the advertisements, they have some negative influences to the younger generation. Many citizens are influenced, by the advertisements, and this makes them buy the things that they are told that are good. Decisions are made from the advertisements that the citizens are exposed to daily. This is based on what is seen on the newspapers, magazines, or television. The product is deemed to be the best and most people make decisions based on what the media is propagation. This creates influence as people tend to trust the media. The same applies to the younger generation that is exposed to this form of entertainment. The effect and influence on the upcoming generation makes them buy what they watch over the televisions. This is mostly influenced by what they consider being their celebrities’ favorites. The upcoming generation will buy what favorite celebrity has advertised and what they deem to be acceptable in the society. This is based on the fashion that the media has created and imposed on the minds.
The influences can be at times positive or negative. A positive example can be a sport that is getting media attention. Many of the younger generation will want to be identified with that sport. The popularity in the society and among the friends for the sport can make a youth be identified with the sport. This will make the upcoming generation start practicing for the sport with the idea that it is cool. The influence will turn out to be positive as the youth will become healthier from the exercise and have fun with friends. An example of a negative influence for the younger generation can be the use of cigars. This can be as a result of seeing a celebrity movie star using a cigar. In addition, the exposure to images with excessive violence, junk foods, and sex can influence the upcoming generations negatively.
The upcoming generation is in a stage of life that needs some acceptance from the peers. They would like to feel loved and be successful in whatever they venture and try (White and Andsager 72). Therefore, the creation of the media of ideal images of beautiful women and handsome men as the real characteristics of successful people through television and movie influences the younger generation. This will make the upcoming generation want to look as the celebrity. They will copy the dressing styles so as to feel cool and successful like the images of the celebrities. The youth are, hence exposed to buying dresses and stuff that can make them look like the celebrities who are considered to be cool and successful.
The influence of the entertainment industry has had an effect on the youth’s obesity and anorexia nature. Many upcoming generations in the country are fighting obesity. This is happening, while, they are exposed to most advertisements that carry junk food advertisements. The advertisements are there, yet, they give ideal images of successful people as wealthy and thin. The women are the ones who are mostly affected with this type of influence. They are so obsessed with loosing even in cases which they are not declared as obese. Many women are thin in the society as they want to resemble and look like the thin celebrities, and super models that they see in the images, in the entertainment industry. The women, are, therefore, engaged in disorder eating habits that mostly lead to severe issues of health and in worse cases even death.
Effects of violence in media
Watching a movie or television exposes the upcoming generation to images of many people hurting others and violence. This type of exposure can have some influence on the upcoming generation. A person can easily become disturbed because of such exposure. This normally happens to the children who are exposed to this type of entertainment more and more each passing day. As the children grow, they begin shaping their personalities. This includes both beliefs and values. A child who is exposed to this form of entertainment can become very aggressive. In addition, these children can lose their sense of fiction and reality on what they are exposed in the movies and television. There are incidents and scenarios that have been reported of children carrying guns to school. Such kind of incidences where the children also hurt others can be attributed to the influence of the entertainment. This affects the cultural values and beliefs of such children. The behaviors of this type are associated with children who are mostly exposed to the excessive use of war images and violent video games (Coleman 112).
The media using real war as a form of entertainment also exposes the upcoming generation to negative influences. The children need to be educated and informed, on the good forms of entertainment, to be watched. In addition, they need to be informed that the video games do not have winners or losers just as in the real war. Entertainment impact on society and the upcoming generation is significant. In addition, the influence of entertainment on public opinion cannot be ignored. The entertainment forms can change the public opinion of the upcoming generation in different ways. This depends on the objective of the form of entertainment.
Television as one of the greatest discoveries of all times has so much influence on the upcoming generation. Television can be used for many purposes. This depends on the choice of the individual that uses the device. This can be used for entertainment purposes, like; watching music or soap. The shows that they youths are exposed to when watching television have created so many controversies. This is because of the influence that they have on the younger generations (Petley and Barker 34). The television has both advantageous and adverse effects on the youth. This will depend on what the viewer sees. This explains why the entertainment shows that are aired are full of controversies. Most of the shows are just on dates and celebrities. These types of shows are what influences the future generation that includes the children and youth. Most of the influences unfortunately are not positive. Studies indicate that there is a trend that is coming up where most shows are just for publicity purposes. This makes the youth find themselves easily influenced to be part of the shows to feel cool. The shows that help in increasing learning processes on the youth receive little publicity. These are the shows that can help the youth to nature good moral values and beliefs (Desilet 109). The television promotes entertainment and education. However, it is an individual’s responsibility to derive what he wants from the shows.
Most young people are corrupted in the minds by the entertainment forms that they see. The youth fall prey to the many of the misleading advertisements in place. They get confused by asking on the celebrities that are being advertised. Furthermore, they get manipulated in their thinking. This makes them think of violence and criminal things. The more the youth is exposed to the entertainments the more they get influenced to the message that they get. Their social and cultural behavior is affected by the entertainment. The children are exposed to the negative influence of entertainment as parents are not there to control them. Some parents work till late and when they get home they are too tired to help the children in activities. They get glued to the television plus their children.
Upcoming generation feels confident and they do what they feel like. In addition, visual effects normally lasts long on a person and this can leave some adverse effects to such an exposed victim. The advancement of technology has made things worse. Most of the television stations relay their programs through the satellite. This has left the parents with no control on the programs watched, and, therefore, the children remain exposed to indecent entertainment forms. The youth has also taken advantage of the same. They use the entertainment field to get knowledge and information from the television. Most of the young generation normally watches programs that are mostly entertaining. No wonder, television is considered as a source of entertainment instead of a source of knowledge. This is the reason as to why television has to a great extent adversely affected the upcoming generation.
Many youths have favorite celebrities that they look up to, as role models in their lives. This makes them to look for them in the movies or magazines. The reason behind this is to get the latest fashion trends or air styles. The youths look, on the magazines, to see what the celebrities have and the scope of the new trends that are considered hot. The entertainment industry is constantly changing perceptions of the youth. This changes the perception of who they are and what they think of themselves. In addition, the entertainment industry is what can be attributed to the changing trends in cultural ways. Most people look at the celebrities and entirely change their own ideals and views so as to mach what is considered to be perfection. The youth wants to be associated with money, ideal cars, and careers. The simple things in life are becoming less appreciated. This happens as people tend to look up for those with more wealth. They compare their lives with such people. The youth wants something bigger and something more. This is what makes entertainment have a constant impact on the societal trends. It is the aspects of the entertainment industry that makes the youth know how much they are rich and how famous they need to be in life. The constant advertisements, magazine covers, and other entertainment forms are what overwhelm the society. Moreover, the entertainment industry is what is responsible for most of the upcoming generations changing trends and perceptions on culture and the way of life.
The shows that are aired make the youth look at their own lives. This makes them feel the need to do something different.
Divorce is also becoming common in the society. The trend is mostly seen in celebrity couples. Cases of the celebs getting divorced are there every day. This has made it like a routine to those who are also in the media industry. The divorce cases are publicized in the media as something normal and good in the society. This has made the youth look at divorce as something that is insignificant. The society has also not carried any negativity on divorce of late. People run to marriages instead of dating. This whole situation has been created by the celebs. The celebrity couples have made divorce a trend. Moreover, the celebs have made the meaning of divorce be of less meaning and look like normal in the society. This trend has caused the youth to follow suit. The entertainment industry can be said to be the reason behind the change of perception and trend of divorce.
The youth has been influenced, by the entertainment industry, to do cosmetic surgery. The trend has already swept through the society and is common with people who want to look like celebs or be more beautiful. There are shows in the television programs like DR. 920210 that have made plastic surgery be the in thing (Durham 120). The shows make the youth want to look like the celebrities. They do this by trying to transform them to look like celebrities. They give them the different cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures that exist. The message passed is that a person in his own identity is not handsome and good. The trend encourages the youth to try plastic surgery in order to have perfect bodies. Therefore, the reason of not having a perfect look is not there as there is the option of cosmetic surgery. This has made the celebrities, to, also, have plastic surgeries to enhance their appearance. This is done with the belief that it will help in carriers, but, the youth just emulate the trend for the sake of it. The trend has made many youth to lack self fulfillment as they feel they are not good looking or good enough.
The entertainment industry has both positive and negative influence on the youth, but, it is not entirely bad. The negative effects and influences that the industry has, on the upcoming generation need, to be changed and recognized. This can help the youth so that their minds are not that clouded with the celebrity perfection ideas. The youth need to be educated and informed on the need for self confidence and self fulfillment as they are fundamental to true happiness in life. These traits are hard to attain for the youth because of entertainment and media industry. The industries are constantly showing and sending messages to viewers on the definition of perfection. This makes it hard for many of the youths to be contented and happy with their personalities and looks. The youth should stop to look for celebrities, movies, and television shows, for ideal and perfect life. The obsession created by the entertainment industry influences the youth’s way of life. They change the way they dress, walk, and even act.
The entertainment industry will continue to have effects and influences on youth and societal trends. The influences should be worked on, to make them have positive effects on society and society as a whole. This can involve the transformation of the celebrities, actors, and models in the entertainment industry. The effect can be huge and tremendous on the upcoming generation and society. The changing trends in societal beliefs and values can be influenced to be positive ones on the youth. Things can be better when the effects of the entertainment industry lean more towards the positive influences than the negative influences on the youth. This can be done knowing very well that America is one of the leading producers of entertainment and as such it is a significant component in influencing the behavior of the younger generation. The entertainment industry has influences on the upcoming generation views and expression of culture. This is depicted by the way that they talk, dress, and act on society through social media pressure in the country.
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