Children of impressionable ages are constantly being exposed to excessive violence as well as sexually explicit content. Media exposure is an instrumental factor in shaping the opinions and values in these children. A common example is the extremely violent video games that children are addicted to – tend to increase the aggressive tendencies in children. Several researchers across the world are studying effects of media on development of children. Use of abusive language as well as abusive actions can make lasting impacts on children and can result in increased aggressive tendencies.
Media censorship is necessary for checking the three main problem areas. These three areas are vulgarity (sexually explicit content), violence and racism. Media censorship is necessary to see to it that media is not being used as a tool to attack someone’s character or to discriminate and humiliate people.
Speaking of censorship, one section of the Indian media industry that is in dire need of censorship regulations is the news channels in India. Visuals of mutilated bodies during riots, bloodbath, massacre, television channels seem to have forgotten about media ethics in their rat race for TRPs. Being a witness to some of the most inhuman reporting scenarios in some of the most shattering catastrophes, it is my personal opinion as a viewer and as a global citizen that censorship should be about keeping the media real enough to reflect the society but subtle enough to keep it