I n Pakistan, the availability of mass media falls much short of international standards. For example, i n Pakistan 1.8 copies of newspapers, 2.9 radio sets,
0.6 T.V. sets and C. 5 cinema seats were available for every 100 persons as compared to the UNESCO suggeeion of 10 newspapers, 5 radio sets, 2 T.V. sets and 2 cinema seats for 100 persons. The facilities in Pakistan in this area as i n other social sectors are lower than the average for South-East Asia Region.
This is connected with the low rate sf literacy and low per capita income levels.
2. The development programme included in the Fifth Plan, 1978-83, envisages f ucher growth of radio and television in particular and other informatlon m ed~a.rl general. Besides increasing the rural coverage both in terms of i area and population, emphasis will be placed on adult functional literacy and non-formal instructional programmes in collaboration with the Government agencies concerned.
3. The major public sector media agencies are Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation and Pakistan Television Corporation. The expansion of physical facilities is subject to financial constraints because these agencies are not covering their normal operating expenses and a subsidy has to be provided to them. Steps have to be taken not only to improve their working efficiency but also to initiate measures to achieve a better ratio between income and expenditure.
4. The main objectives for the mass media sector during the Fifth Plan will be:
(i) T o bring in larger areas and population of the less developed regions within reach of radio and T.V. signals.
(ii) T o strengthen the role of the media in instructional and educational fields specially for the less privileged sections of the society.
(iii) T o create awareness o qthe problems and prospects of rural development through the media In order to win support, cooperation and participation of the people for accelerated growth in
Links: was started on full-fledged stations for Islamabad, Quetta and Peshawar and by June, 1978 Rs