Stephanie Bakker
Grand Canyon University: NUR 502
October 15, 2014
Master’s Prepared Nurse Interview
Due to the demands of an evolving health care system and an emphasis in health and wellness, Master’s prepared nurses are in demand. What does a Master’s prepared nurse entails? According to the American Association College of Nursing, Master’s prepared nurses obtain a higher level of learning as well as key competencies and skills. The ultimate goal is to achieve positive patient outcomes resulting in an overall improved health care system. The purpose of this paper is to provide insight on a Master’s prepared nurse conducted through an interview. My interviewee has obtained an MSN in Informatics and is currently employed in the Informatics field as a Nurse Informaticist.
Overview of Career
My interviewee started her career path with an Associate’s degree in Nursing. As a new graduate in nursing, her first job in nursing was in an acute care setting on a telemetry unit. After two years as a staff nurse in telemetry she was promoted to charge nurse and remained in this position for three years. She then decided to further her education in nursing but still needed to work full time. To her gain, her employer had recently partnered up with a university offering online and traditional courses. Eventually, the online fast track RN-BSN was her option of choice. It took her 18 months to obtain her BSN from the University of Phoenix. After completing her BSN, awaiting her was a promotion for a supervisor position on the telemetry unit. She accepted the position and remained in this positon for seven years. During that time, she also served in the role of interim manager and was instrumental in planning and implementing the electronic health record. The electronic health record became her passion. She was one of the lead trainers and eventually accepted a role as a full time trainer within the hospital. The position
References: American Association College of Nursing. (n.d.). Master’s Education for Advanced Practice Nursing. Retrieved from American Association of Colleges of Nursing:, P.F., & Murphy, J. (2011). Nursing Informatics, The Future of Nursing and Health IT: The Quality Elixir. Nursing Economics, 29(5), 286-282 University of Phoenix. (2014). Master’s Science Nursing Informatics. Retrieved from University of Phoenix: