Syllabus for MAT092 Algebra 1 Fall 2012
|Section(s) |MAT092-01Y (10:10-11:05),-05 (12:20-1:15) in room B307 |
|Instructor |Mr. Christopher Kemp |
|Contact Information |Phone: (585) 343-0055 ext. 6392 |
| |Email: (PREFERED) |
| |Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9-10am |
| |Important: Check your GCC email (your “ ” account at from any |
| |internet-connected computer) at least once each weekday and always use your GCC email account |
| |to contact professors and staff. |
|Catalog Description |Students move through a series of content modules using a mastery learning approach, making extensive use|
| |of computer software for content delivery, practice of skills, and assessment (graded homework, quizzes, |
| |and module pre- and post-tests). Topics include simplifying variable expressions, solving linear |
| |equations and inequalities, graphing linear equations in two variables, solving systems of linear |
| |equations in two variables, operations with exponential expressions and polynomials, factoring |