In our world today the land is rich on how to apply skill that will allow one to reach his or her highest level with a degree.IN field of Psychology one plan to run a business. The math process of algebra is necessary for a profitable business. Algebra will help compare and contrast interest rates and terms as they chosen architect work using reasoning skills. The study of algebra involves finding patterns, balancing equations, and using graphs, lines, and arithmetic to understand quantities or dimensions. It also includes the study of ratios, percent, and probability. The concepts learned in Algebra I extend middle school math learning and prepare students for future high school learning in Algebra II and Geometry. Beginning algebra students learn concepts through lessons and practice. Online and offline projects allow students to practice their new skills in practical, real-life situations, building an appreciation for how what they are learning in school applies to life outside of school. At the successful completion of the course, students will be ready to move on to Algebra II or Geometry. The Algebra I projects are designed to allow students to apply the algebra skills they have been learning to real life situations. Students use problem solving skills to run a profitable business in The Paddle Boat Trip. They compare and contrast interest rates and terms as they choose a loan for a new business in DRD Enterprises. The Architect puts students to work using spatial-reasoning skills as they fill in missing house dimensions and measure and compute the amount of carpeting needed. In The Neighborhood, students value properties and redraw property lines using visual skills, computation skills, and percent to find the information they need to complete the project. Real-life applications can help engage students in their mathematics learning as they see directly how what they 're learning applies to their lives.