* In the classical approach to administration, Weberian model of bureaucracy finds a central place, because it was primarily developed in the context of Public Administration & also applicable to private administration. * Max Weber is the first thinker who has systematically studied the bureaucracy. He has provided a theoretical framework and basis for understanding bureaucracy. S name is synonymous with bureaucracy. * He was one of the towering thinkers of the twentieth century. * The Weberian ideal type bureaucracy continues to be the dominant paradigm in the public administration. Weberian model is being used as a reference base for other models of bureaucracy as it largely reflects the spirit of modern bureaucracy. * His writings reflect the social conditions of Germany of his time. He saw the decline of liberalism and threat to individual in the bureaucratization of the society. * Unification of Germany under Bismarck and elimination of liberal middle class movement convinced Weber that the great goal could be achieved through power policies.
Taylor vs Weber * While Taylor attempted to rationalize functions of modern factory, Weber made an attempt at the rationalization of bureaucratic structures. Both of them emphasized on control and discipline in the working of organisations. *
Theory of Bureaucracy * The invention of word bureaucracy belongs to Vincent de Gourney, a French economist in 1745. * Though the Bureaucracy existed much earlier to Weber, and made attempts to understand it by different eminent writers, Weber is considered to be the first person to attempt at the systematic understanding of the bureaucracy.
Max Weber on Rationality & Authority * Max Weber’s concept of bureaucracy is closely related to his ideas on legitimacy of authority. * He differentiated authority, power and control. His theories on domination, leadership and legitimacy merit special mention.