Ans. Communication is transferred from one to another. There are different types of communication. Internal communication, external communication and people or face to face communication. Internal communication is basically communicate internally for example, our bran working. External communication is we are using or getting help from something for example, we are withdrawing money from ATM. Internal and External communication is overlapping each other. In other words or best thing I can say is internal communication we can't see. Again how our brain works we can't see it. And how ATM works we can't see it. But external communication we need help with something: Fax, Email, telephone would be example of them. People communication or face to face communication is direct communicate with people to people.
Q2. Name the communication channel to which teleconferencing, Email, and telephone belong. Explain teleconferencing.
Ans. Teleconferencing means meeting through a telecommunications medium. It is a generic term for linking people between two or more locations by electronics. There are at least six types of teleconferencing: audio, audio graphic, computer, video, business television (BTV), and distance education. The methods used differ in the technology, but common factors contribute to the shared definition of teleconferencing: * Use a telecommunications channel * Link people at multiple locations * Interactive to provide two-way communications * Dynamic to require users' active participation
Q3. “Informal communication network is not just for idle rumors and may be useful in many ways.” Justify Ans. According to Imberman (2003), communication is a key to employees’ involvement. Making people involved through the sharing of information creates a strong potential to motivate different aspects of their performance. Upward communication is a process, where