Over the years, my employment selections lead me into the accounting field where I exhibited an aptitude and enjoyed solving …show more content…
Dr. Anthony Falgiani’s income tax class captured my interest and I knew immediately that tax would be my choice for future employment. At the suggestion of my Professors I volunteered with the VITA program which aided me with the human aspects of the sometimes difficult tax concerns that everyday individuals encounter as a preparer for the 2014 tax year and as a Site Coordinator for the 2015 tax year. As a Site Coordinator I had the chance to guide USCB students in their tax preparer roles and seek guidance and clarification on tax situations that were unfamiliar to me from my instructors Professor Jane Lambert and Dr. Anthony Falgiani. Consequently, my role in the VITA program caused me to pause and reflect that passing the CPA exams would not be enough to fill the gaps in my education to work in the public sector. USC’s taxation track is specifically geared toward my preference of practice after I graduate and will groom me to identify accounting concerns and provide value added solutions for my future clients.
USC’s rigorous program, tax specialization focus, student mentoring positions and high success rate passing the CPA exam while pursuing a Master’s in Accountancy are just a few of the reasons why USC is my choice to further my education. I believe that your institution is the best avenue for my formation as an accountant and a teacher. I hope that you will give me