Meanest Girl
She will gain friends with her high-energy attitude. She will have girls wanting to hang out with her. They will go to movies and have slumber parties. Girls will text her and ask her for advice. She may have a hundred friends or she may have four. Always know, one truly great friend will always mean more than a bunch of girls that follow you at the hip and laugh at your jokes. Find a friend that will come pick you up when you have a flat tire on the side of the road. Find a friend that will tell you what you need to hear but also what you want to hear.
She will have girls that tell her they love her but then tell everyone behind her back that she is the meanest girl on the planet. Those are the girls you do not want in your life. In my life,
I have found that out the hardest way possible. I still deal with girls that have nothing nice to say about me unless I can offer them something. It hurts a lot, but you will get through it. You and that friend, that will swim a mile to help you, will make great memories. You deserve a great friend, everyone does.