Prof. McCammon
October 17, 2010
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical engineering is a field of engineering concerned with the design, construction, and operation of machinery. Mechanical Engineering is the field of study that I decided to pursue during my time in college. There are many classes that must be taken and mastered in order to obtain a degree for mechanical engineering. I personally chose this career path due to the involvement in the mechanical aspect and for the large paycheck. Mechanical engineers work in multiple branches of industry, including transportation, power generation and tool manufacture. Mechanical engineering plays a role in many different areas, such as: automated manufacturing, environmental control, transportation, biomedical fields, computer fields, fossil fuel and nuclear power. The designs of a Mechanical Engineering major’s are very diverse. They range from designing tiny measuring instruments to huge aircraft carriers or power plants. They also test, evaluate, distribute, and market the instruments that they and their fellow mechanical engineers create. Mechanical engineering has been involved with the development of wind and water turbines, steam engines, and internal combustion engines. The demand for mechanical engineers with good technical skills has been high for many years. There are many aspects of education that you must master to be able to get a degree in mechanical engineering. The standard curriculum allows flexibility in choosing courses that reflect interests within the broad areas of mechanical engineering. These include mechanics, materials and nanotechnology, biomedical engineering, fuel cell and alternate energy sources, among others. To enroll in the mechanical engineering curriculum for the freshman year, students should have two years of high school algebra and one year of trigonometry, as well as a year in chemistry and physics. Students without these courses may take them at