Rose Petal Cottage Commercial
This Hasbro television commercial advertisement came out in the year of 2007 and was promoting the Rose Petal Cottage. The commercial begins with a girl-toddler swinging open the top half of the door, welcoming the camera shot by saying: “Come on in.” She is next seen putting on her apron, which will prepare her for the later activities. The plot thickens when she places her plastic muffins into the fake oven, puts her baby doll to sleep in the provided crib, takes the muffins back out of the oven, says “Taste my muffins. They are really yummy,” reaches out to feed the muffins to the bear, which is sitting in the high chair, and promptly washes her hands right after. The young girl then proceeds to rearrange the small furniture (a sofa chair and a crib) to her likings while saying: “This can go here. And this goes here.” Up to this point, the narrator, a soft motherly voice, has said: “Now there is a place…Where her dreams have room to grow…The Rose Petal Cottage…A place of her very own where she can decorate.” The narrator continues by stating that she can “Contain her imagination,” while the camera pans to her doing laundry. The commercial comes to an end when the little girl pulls a woman – who looks the right age of her mother – by the hand to her opened up cottage and presents it to her with a big: “Ta – Da!” The older woman says, “I love what you have done with the place.” They then sit on the floor, laughing, and holding the fake muffins while the narrator repeats the slogan: “It’s her place, where her dreams have room to grow.” At first glance, this commercial seems to only be guilty of appealing to a young girl’s idea of a dream play toy, and thus creating yet another reason for her to whine over how much she wants in to her parents. However, when looking deeper, you must ask yourself why a girl would want this toy so badly. The answer is a complicated one. Though it would be fun for any child (girl