Media Literacy * The ability to understand and make productive use of media. * It involves understanding the effect of media can have on a person and society. * It is the difference between being victimized by and being in control of media’s influence.
Related Perspectives to Media Literacy * Media Criticism * The analysis used to assess the effects of media on individuals, on societies and on cultures. * It may not always be negative but must be based on well-reasoned argument. * Stakeholders are consumers & parents or would-be parents.
Importance of Media Criticism * It makes one a careful consumer of media messages. * It makes one think how various media influence society and how media messages can influence self image. * It teaches how to examine the relationships among media history, current industry practices, controversies, as well as how law & ethics relate to the impact of media. * Career Preparation * Part of media literacy is learning how to use media. * There are many careers in the media spotlight – such as journalism, film production, book editing, advertising, web site creation. * Other related fields include public relations, business management, religious vocations
Critic vs Practitioner * Different approaches to the study of media – criticism & career preparation - lead to different ways of looking at media issues. * Practitioners would often see media criticism as unduly harsh and unrealistic. * Media critics, on the other hand, would find the bottom-line approach of media professionals as simplistic & detrimental to society.
Levels of Existence * Local (e.g small town newspaper) * Regional (e.g. radio station groups) * National (e.g. broadcast television networks) * Global ( the key to understanding today’s media business.
US Dominance of World Media * The US is a net exporter of mass media