Foreign Literature
This section presents foreign related literatures relevant to the proposed system. Computers are being employed in clinical medicine in hospitals for various purposes. They can act as arithmetic calculators, they can process and analysed output from the recording devices, and they can make possible the automation of various machine systems. However, in the field of case records their role is much less well defined, for here the organization of data as preliminary to computer input is the real stumbling-block. Data banks of retrospective selected clinical information have been in operation in some canters for the number of years. Attempts are now being made to design computerized "total information systems" to replace conventional paper records, and the possibility of automated diagnosis. Golla (2007) stated that record keeping is an organized way of storing valuable information about certain persons handling of such records the proposed system includes all the important records that are organize and place on the system database that are subjectively relating to the transaction of the hospital. According to Nanda (2006), the present situation of healthcare in developing countries like India are quite discouraging, as the physicians use a paper based system whereby they record patient information, diagnosis and treatments on a “Case Sheet”. Abdul (2008) mentions that each time a patient visits a hospital, a new case sheet is created, and this creates an excess of paperwork, repetition of examination done previously leading to over-consumption of work force and other resources. In India, the case sheet is an official and legal document written by healthcare staff about all the medical information of a patient. It includes past medical history, present complaints, results of examinations done, diagnosis and treatment and the condition of these medical records in public hospitals in quite disappointing. This situation is
References: Azhar, R. (2012). “Hotel Database System”. From Banayat, I.R. (2010). “Foreign and Local Literature About Sales and Inventory System." From Cruz, R.M. (1999). “Computerized Patients’ Medical History” Sy, M.C. (2009). “Thesis-Chapter-1”from "Patient Information and Billing System" from “Indian Electronic Patient Record System”. From