Historians believed that the Greek dietic system was influenced by sauces. Another theory by historians is that sauces originated in the apiaceous reign in Rome. One of the main ingredient used inn these sauces was gasum. In the 17th century, he French began to distinguish their sauces from the entire European sub continent. At that time there was a total abandment of medieval spices. This led to the rise of herbs and vegetables to give aromatic delights to the sauces. In the 18th century there was an innovation in the thickening of sauces by using roux. Antonin crème differentiated the sauces into 4 …show more content…
It is traditionally a cranberry sauce. In the classical era this sauce was only used for the dessert peach Melba. This classical combination became a sensation to the taste buds of the people, so chefs started innovating and improvising the sauce. In the modern period, this sauce is served even savory roast of meat and then even on to improve the physical presentation of the overall dish, chefs started to create different versions like frozen melba, jellified melba, so as to improve peoples fine dining experience (Tori, 2012)
Veloutè sauce is one of the mother sauces. It is traditionally making blond colored roux and slowly pouring in stock or the preferred meat to the latest trends in the modern era. Due to repetitive experiments, chefs have finally come up with a healthier version of this sauce. It is done by reducing stocks and finishing it off with cream, butter and occasionally egg yolks. Although there is a new version of the sauce, the classical method was economical as it produced more skill with the same amount of sauce (Peterson,