| |Experiment Number 3 | |
| |Chem201L | |
Determination of an Unknown Compound using Mixed Melting Point Method
Winnie Adrian Ibanez, Jerome Allan Japitana, and Dante Jimenez III
Group no. 7, 2Chem
a Department of Chemistry, College of Science, University of Santo Tomas,
España, Manila, 1015, Philippines
|Article history: |Keywords: |An unknown compound was determined by means of observing the melting point range of the given solid. |
|Date: July 4, 2013 |Melting point |Different organic compound with their melting point range was listed to confirm the identity of the |
| |Capillary tube |unknown. Each researcher paired to another student with melting point within the range of 4oC and |
|*Corresponding author: |Error range |mixed their compound thoroughly to confirm the identity of their unknown. Based on the melting point |
|E-mail address: |Trans-cinnamic acid |range table, the unknown compound was determined to be a trans-cinnamic acid. |
|third_jimenez@yahoo.com | | |
Identifying an unknown compound can be a difficult task. In identifying a compound, researchers often measure several
References: Aldrich, S. (n.d). Retrieved July14, 2013, from LLC, Sigma- Aldrich Co, http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/ Dean, J., Jones, M., Holmes, D., & Reed, R. (2011). Practical Skills in Chemistry (11th ed.) Gilbert, J. & Martin S. (2010). Experimental Organic Chemistry: A Miniscale and Microscale Approach: A Miniscale and Molavi, S., & Barron, A. (2012, May 29). Melting Point Analysis