The reason I chose this topic was because I am truly amazed by how the human ear works and I wanted to know how this disease can make it all stop working. Also, I was watching my favorite show called ‘Switched at Birth’ and one of the actress on the show name Katie Leclerc has Meniere’s Disease herself so that got me even more interested.
Here is a little bit more background information about Meniere’s Disease and where it came from.
Meniere’s disease was named for the French physician Prosper Meniere, who first described the illness in 1861. It is an abnormality within the inner ear. A fluid called endolymph moves in the membranous labyrinth or semicircular canals within the bony labyrinth inside the inner ear. When the head or body more, the end lymph moves, causing nerve receptors in the membranous labyrinth to send signals to the brain about the body’s motion. A change in the volume of the endolymph fluid, or swelling or rupture of the membranous labyrinth is thought to result in Meniere’s disease symptoms. Diagnosis There is no test or single symptoms that a doctor can use to make the diagnosis. The diagnosis is strictly made upon your medical history and presence of:
Two or more episodes of vertigo lasting at least 20 minutes each.
Temporary hearing loss
A feeling of fullness in the ear.
The cause of Meniere’s disease is unknown; however, scientist are studying several possible causes including noise pollution, viral infections, or alterations in the patterns of