What is mental health illness?
Mental health can be defined as a person’s condition with regard to the psychological and emotional well being of an individual and the way we interact. It plays a roll in how we think, feel, and act. Mental health effects how people live their day to day lives. Decisions we make, how we associate with others and deal with stress can be quite difficult with someone who has a mental illness. Factors that indicate why people have mental illness’s are genetics, the chemistry in your brain, trauma or life experiences, as well as previous history of mental illness in your family.
One in five people in Canada live with Mental Health Problems. Unlike other diseases, Mental Health illness strikes early …show more content…
According to a recent survey, only 23% of Canadians actually feel comfortable talking to their employer about their mental illness. This is because of the big stigma attached to mental health. This means that many people are probably being silent about their mental health because of the stigma attached to it and the mental health sufferers in the workplace are actually more than what is reported. A lot of people believe that employers will not be flexible with those who are experiencing mental heal related issues. According to what I read 83% of employees believe that they have a responsibility that they should tell their employer about their health, however 31% felt that their boss would not understand if they were to admit.
A recent survey reported by the Mental Health Commission of Canada suggests that about 70% of Canadian workers are concerned about mental health and safety in the workplace and a large percentage (14%) are concerned that their workplace is not safe. Unhealthy and unsafe work places result in significant losses, both human and …show more content…
Whitworth in 2008 has reported that productivity is decreased by about 2.2 hours every day for a worker suffering from mental illness. The cost to business is 4.5 billion dollars per year.
Once a worker is lost to disability, the company has to replace him/her by another worker. When a worker leaves prematurely due to illness, training time and resources are lost, significant experience and expertise are lost and human potential is wasted resulting in significant indirect costs.
Corrective actions
Given the importance of mental health strategies to reduce mental health issues at the workplace are important. The Mental Health Commission of Canada assisted by the Canadian Standards Association developed a set of voluntary guidelines and tools to help promote mental health at the workplace. They suggested that the Health and Safety Committee should also look at Mental Health issues in addition to the concerns on physical health. The project was supported by the Federal Government, Bell Canada and Great-West Life Centre for Mental Health in the