The importance and implications of mental toughness:
Mental toughness is having the natural or developed psychological edge that enables you to:
➢ Generally cope better than your opponents with the many demands (e.g.; competition, training, lifestyle.) that are placed on you as a performer.
➢ Specifically to be more consistent and better than your opponents in remaining determined, focused, confident, resilient, and in control under pressure (Jones et al, 2002.)
Those within the sports world who have high levels of mental toughness are more likely to be more successful competitively than those of a lower scale. Within the sports world mental toughness is consistently directly related to performance, behaviour, well-being and aspirations. This also can be transferred into education and also into the work place. The benefits to any business to employ people with high scales of mental toughness in these four areas are:
Performance: Increase Motivation, improve time management, create and enhance good relationships, overcome setbacks easily.
Behaviour: Set realistic goals; take responsibility for own actions, celebrate achievement, actively seek feedback.
Well-Being: Have a positive mental focus, have rational thinking, reduce stress/ anxiety and frustration.
Aspirations: Have long-term objectives, shows commitment, Will suffer short-term discomfort for long-term gain.
The importance to an employer to have a member of staff within a managerial position within their team with high levels of mental toughness would be:
➢ Cope with everyday situations ➢ Dealing with difficult staff/staff motivation ➢ Coping with complaints ➢ Identifying training needs/appraisals ➢ Articulate better meetings ➢ Have a mental advantage