Mental toughness has been described as one of the most used but least under- stood terms in applied sport psychology (Graham, Sheldon & Declan, 2007). Numerous articles investigating successful sport performers have cited mental toughness as a vital component. Definitions and characteristics of mental toughness have been proposed by many authors
as defined mental toughness is consisted of having a natural or
developed psychological edge that enables mentally tough performers to cope better in general than their opponents with the authoritative ordinances and cognate pressures that occur at the highest caliber in sport. Categorically, these performers were more consistent than and superior to their opponents at remaining determined, focused, confident, and in control under pressure.
we hypothesise that mental toughness will be associated with the use of mindfulness as a perforce strategy
mindfulness is a variety of mediation or a state of mind that emphasises self-awareness, monitoring your thoughts and synonyms/ hypernyms of noun feeling without judgement.