Subject ; Exploring various definitions for your child which are beyond regular academic curriculum like creativity, culture, public speaking, increasing memory, etiquette and critical thinking.
You as parents know that life is a thought and life is constant search to find that thought and finally, to connect this thought into a unique reality. This is our struggle and we have to explore ourselves beyond the ordinary and the mundane to find these answers. This path of self evolution needs inputs from various sources which are often beyond the academic curriculum because we definitely know that if anything can be calculated, it can be computed. This requires no extra ordinary effort. The real essence lies in understanding and unraveling ideas and forces which lie beyond the simplicities offered by regular school education.
We do not want our kids to be merely machines and be reduced merely to being followers. We want them to be leaders. Leaders need critical thinking and innovative structures of the mind. We help your child to explore, imbibe and develop these skills so that he can become a leader and an innovative thinker in his field. Not only this, we expose him to history and the thoughts and experiences of various seers and sages through the prism of contemporary reality, which helps him to consolidate his learning with the Indian roots and allows him to use the wisdom of 3000 years for a future for himself.
Hence, We offer a mentor ship programme for children above 6 years which blends Indian thought, practices and actions intelligently with contemporary life situations providing value additions to the personality and, not only this challenges the mind to break the boundaries that formal education imposes.
The primary features of the MENTORSHIP PROGRAMME ARE; 1. Imbibe the ability for critical and lateral thinking ; the ability to separate the relevant from the general. 2. Create innovation/ creativity quotient in your child. 3. Expression and communication in a language, body language and etiquette 4. Understand the Indian culture and the Indian roots and blend them with their contemporary life style 5. Styling, fashion and explore an art to carry oneself 6. Employable skill in creative writing, film or design
We follow mind based lateral thinking approach than a purely memory driven approach. The programme and its pedagogy is customized based on the needs, character and desires of the child. The programmes is mentored by deepti pant and asfia ahmed.
Details about them are attached here with. For details please contact Deepti Pant