Company A, which has been acquired by Company B, was founded in 1956 in Mobile, Alabama. The average age of its workforce is 57 and it is comprised of 40% Caucasian and 85% male. Company B was founded in 1997 in San Francisco, California. The average age of its workforce is 35 and it is comprised of 45% Caucasian and 50% male. These two companies have been staunch competitors in the marketplace for several years and the employees of Company A are resentful of integrating with their former rival (Argosy, 2013).
Company B’s Goals:
Managing the Communication and Information Sharing:
The company wants to keep employees informed of how the acquisition will impact them.
The company wants to be sure that they provide enough information to satisfy the employees, but not provide so much that the employees feel overwhelmed.
The company wants to be sure that the timing of the communication matches their execution of the changes within the two organizations.
Managing the Consolidation and Changes:
There is no doubt that there will be layoffs as a result of the acquisition. The company wants to do what is best for the acquisition in a way that inflicts the least amount of harm to the existing employees.
The company wants to make the decisions about who to layoff in the fairest way possible.
The company wants to try and limit exposure to potential discrimination (age and gender) stemming from the layoffs.
Managing the Relocations of Some the Employees:
Another impact of acquisitions is that employees may be asked to relocate in order to maintain employment in the newly formed organization.
The company wants to manage the expenses and potential disruption with the relocations.
The company wants to assess relocations verses hiring new employees locally.
Information needed to achieve organizational goals:
The beginning information that will be required should start with a review of the target companies organizational chart, salaries,
References: Dugar, S. (2009, June 05). HR Challenges in Mergers and Acquisitons. Retrieved May 12, 2013, from bussinessgyan: Office, U. G. (2003, July). Results-Oriented Cultures. Retrieved May 11, 2013, from Towers, P. (n.d.). The Role of Human Capital in M&A. Retrieved May 12, 2013, from SHRM: University, A. (2013). Module 1 Assigment 3. Retrieved May 11, 2013, from Human Resource Management and Talent Development: