First, in that very moment there is a storm reported ahead of time yet the crews of the cargo vessel MV Meridian Tres did not mind the gale warnings given by the authorities that day due to the calm water upon leaving the port and continued to sail. Because of the bad weather which gives off strong wind, the cargo containers loaded had the tendency to move along from its actual position which happened eventually later that day. With that, the vessel MV Meridian Tres lost its stability that led to the capsizing of the vessel. In addition, with the sinking of the vessel, the strong wind together with huge waves has contributed in making the containers loaded in the vessel move from one place to another which led to theimbalance state of the MV Meridian Tres. Another reason why the vessel list on its portside, is that the officer of the watch together with the boatswain and the chief officer did not bother checking the cargo containers if it was loaded and lashed accordingly, which means that the cargoes loaded were unsure if it is properly tied up. The crews of the said vessel have no enough or has a limited knowledge or does not apply the learnings from the seamanship as it was seen on the incident that happened, which is one of the most important thing to be remembered and applied because seamanship states the importance on how to keep the vessel safe as possible to have …show more content…
The captain together with its crew should not just have a sufficient knowledge about seamanship but also, they should also practice the learnings and skills instilled within them by the course seamanship.
Why give an emphasis to the course seamanship? Was it that important? If yes then why? It is a big help to have a smooth and safe voyage upon navigation along the sea and for them to avoid such incidents along the long way they are supposed to take. Another thing is that, it is for them to save themselves, their co-workers and the vessel where they are in.
These were just few things that should be given a consideration to prevent or avoid any bad incident to come along their way in the sea, which isthe same or related to the MV Meridian incident that was stated lost early this year on the month of